
How to Avoid a Repetitive Mindset: The Future of Your Life

Learning how to avoid a repetitive mindset isn’t as easy as some may think.

If you are looking forward to what life has in store for you, it is likely because of the future that you have imagined for yourself.

What will your house look like? Where will you go on vacation? How many children do you want to have? These are just a few examples of common thoughts about the future.

The only problem with this type of mindset is that most people spend 90% of their time thinking about what happened in the past and 10% thinking about what could happen in the future.

If 90% of our thoughts are coming from our past, then we will be very good at recreating it repeatedly without any change or growth.

How to avoid a repetitive mindset?

The key to avoid a repetitive mindset and life is creating the future that we want by spending more time thinking about what could happen.

To do this, we need to get rid of the mindset holding us back and limiting our possibilities. This can be done by recognizing the thoughts that don’t serve us anymore and replacing them with new thoughts that will help us achieve our goals. Just like anything else in life, it’s a matter of practicing.

Recognize your feelings when it comes to your future.

Looking ahead at your life, are you in love with your future?

If not, how much time do you spend imagining, thinking, visualizing, and talking about what is possible in your future? 

Many people can easily agree that they give about 10% of their time, energy, and thoughts to their future. 

If 90% of your thoughts are coming from your past and the programming from your past, you are going to do very well at recreating your past – and all of your habits from the past.

How to avoid a life of repetition?

To avoid a life of repetition, with no change, no advancement, and no growth, we need to create the future of our dreams ahead of time. 

And the way we can do that is to feel and act as if we already have NOW what we WANT in the future. We can create the feelings of experiencing the future, enjoying it, and just being that person right now in the present. Then, spend energy and time purposely practicing the positive feelings.

By creating the experience in your brain of positive emotions resulting from getting what you want in the future, you can go out and take the actions to create the future you want in a much more powerful way.

This prepares you and aligns you with a future you love.

It all begins and ends with your mindset.

Firstly, when you genuinely believe in something, and you have felt that experience of having it ahead of time, it doesn’t matter when you fail because you’re so aligned with that destiny.

Secondly, you should know and believe that any failure is just a stepping stone to where you are going.

People run into problems when they let failures habitually create negative emotions at the expense of their positive emotions. 

So, be sure to take some time to think about exactly what you want and spend time thinking about and experiencing what it would be like to have that now. It takes time, and it takes practice. 

And don’t feel bad if you fall back into your old thinking habits. Above all, the key is to just keep going and thinking about all the positive thoughts that make you feel good. Go back into your routine as nothing happened. No one is perfect.


In short, you are in control of your feelings, actions, and future…. Not external things and circumstances. Negative things will always happen in life – and negative feelings and thoughts come with that – but you have the power to captivate them and purposely practice feeling positive emotions.

Stay consistent with the positive feelings of your future, no matter what, and you will get there.

Now is the time to take some action and think about what you want in your future! What emotions do those things evoke for you? Practice feeling those emotions now, as if they have already happened. This is how you create a powerful future for yourself!

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