
Feel Good and Ease Stress: 33 Things You Can Do This Year

Feel good and ease stress. While we can (and should) set new objectives at any time of the year, the start of a new year provides us an opportunity to refocus on self-improvement, good habits, and happiness. Here are ten simple objectives you may accomplish to make any year your finest year ever!

✨ Get up an hour earlier. The early hours of the day might be ideal for mediation and “me time.” If this is too challenging try waking up just 15–30 minutes earlier.

✨ Declutter your home. Cleaning one room at a time can be very motivating (especially if you set the timer). The benefits of tidying up are countless: It provides you with more physical space to live or work; it makes it easier for guests to navigate your home; and, most importantly, it reduces stress.

✨ Create a mindfulness journal. Writing down your thoughts is just a quick daily log of events and feelings. It can ease anxiety, depression, and stress while improving overall health.

✨ Meditate at least three times per week. Meditation doesn’t have to be long, but it does need to be deliberate and consistent! Many people find that 10-20 minutes of guided meditation a few times per week is a good place to start.

✨ Increase your water intake. If you don’t already drink eight glasses of water each day, consider this resolution! Drinking plenty of water helps the body flush out toxins and improves skin health, among other benefits.

✨ Eat more fruit and vegetables. We all know that eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables is healthy–and tasty! Try adding one portion of fruit or vegetable to your daily meal plan.

✨ Drink a juice or smoothie each morning. Juice and smoothies are a great way to pack even more nutrients into your day, as well as make sure you get enough vitamins and minerals on a daily basis.

✨ Start a gratitude journal. Take time each day to reflect on what you are thankful for, no matter how big or small the things are. Many people find gratitude journals help you to feel good and ease stress and improve overall happiness!

✨ Spend more time with friends and family. Family is important, so don’t forget about them! Spending time with loved ones strengthens social bonds and improves brain health.

✨ Get some exercise each day. Regular (and even moderate) physical activity has been shown to feel good and ease stress, improve your mood, increase your energy levels, and make you healthier overall! Try adding in a walk or yoga session each day if current habits are non-existent.

✨ Make time for your creative side with painting, drawing, journaling, or other arts and crafts activities.

✨ Be compassionate. Compassion is a virtue. Compassionate individuals are better equipped to deal with life’s challenges, according to research.

✨ Don’t work yourself to death. When you need to, pay attention to your body’s signals and slow down!

✨ Reduce nonessentials from your budget. The majority of adult stress is caused by money problems. Look for ways to reduce little everyday expenditures – every little bit of change adds up!

✨ Share what you know. Empathy, in particular, has a beneficial impact on well-being. Sharing knowledge with people around you can boost your sense of usefulness and contribute to others may make you feel better about yourself.

✨ Recognize your talents. Don’t compare yourself to others when it comes to your job or abilities; instead, celebrate what you’re good at.

✨ Learn something new. Personal growth and feelings of accomplishment are enhanced when you learn a new activity or skill.

✨ Say thank you. Saying “thank you” is a concrete way to show appreciation and increase happiness in your daily life.

✨ Volunteering is good for your heart. You don’t have to volunteer for hours or years at a time, but even short stints can improve overall health and wellness, including stress levels!

✨ Spend more time outside. Spending time outside has been shown to help people feel good and ease stress in numerous studies. Take advantage of the weather when it’s nice outside!

✨ Plan for sleep. Sleep is another major stress-busting activity, so make efforts to go to bed at the same time each night and wake up at the same time each morning.

✨ Don’t eat junk food or fast food. Self explanatory? Taking in too much processed food with little to no nutrient value is not good for your body, mind, or soul.

✨ Learn to manage your time effectively. Time management skills are incredibly important, both professionally and personally – not only to help reduce stress but also save you money!

✨ Reduce caffeine. Caffeine can increase anxiety levels in some people, so try eliminating it from your daily routine for a better work/life balance.

✨ Make time for people who make you happy. Surrounding yourself with positive people is important, so make time for them even if you’re busy or overwhelmed with other things.

✨ Find ways to set boundaries. Nothing will ever be perfect, so learn to love what you have and enjoy the ride.

✨ Cultivate a spiritual life. Doing so can increase your sense of purpose and focus, which is important for stress relief… especially in today’s busy world!

✨ Avoid negative people and situations. You can’t help who you are born to, what life throws at you, etc., but it is essential that you avoid negativity as much as you can.

✨ Take a short break from social media and technology before bedtime. Try reading a book or journaling – maybe even watch a little television oppose to binge watching late at night when you know you have work in the morning?

✨ Do something that brings you joy every day. The best way to beat stress is to do what makes you happy.

✨ Don’t compare yourself to others. Constantly comparing ourselves to others, or living up to some ideal that may or may not even exist, is a sure way to increase stress levels. Be your own person!

✨ Practice proper hygiene and grooming habits. Being clean and well-groomed is important if you want to feel good this year, but it also has significant mental benefits!

✨ Practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is the act of focusing only on the present moment; recognizing your thoughts and feelings without judgment… no matter how distressing they may seem.

Do you have any other resolutions? Let me know in the comments!

Talk soon,

Andie 🙂

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